Monday, November 28, 2005

Workshopped to Death

I don't know who came up with the term professional development, but I want them hanged. This year-and mind you it is not over yet-I have been through 12 days of professional development. 5 of which were Saturdays. This is ridiculous. There aren't too many more times they can tell me what you've already told me. It's not that I'm against new ideas, it's the fact that all the new ideas are the same ideas. My students are so behind it isn't funny. Between Katrina (7 days), DRA testing (10 days), and professional development (7 days). I have been out of the classroom for almost a month. That does not include the pep rallies, assemblies, late breakfast and lunches and being the principal's PA at his beck and call. I really want to teach and my students want to learn. NO MORE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE!!

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